20 Recipes to Make in 2023 (and a Giveaway!)

20 Recipes to Bake in 2023 from Wood and Spoon blog. These are 20 of the best baked treats, sweets, and desserts with everything from chocolate chip cookies, layer cakes, pound cake loaves, ice cream, pies, and more. Learn how to make easy simple baking as a new year's resolution on thewoodandspoon.com.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope your holiday was full of love, good food, and joy. To celebrate the fresh page that is January, I have two things to offer you: first, a giveaway! Keep reading to learn how to win a copy of my book, HER DAILY BREAD, just in time for the new year. Second, I have rounded up 20 of my personal favorite recipes on Wood & Spoon. If you’ve ever wondered where to begin with the recipes on this site, here it is. Let’s get started!

A Giveaway!

(Note: The contest is now closed) This time of year is normally when I jot down resolutions and goals, but I’ll be honest: I’m not sure where to start this year. Surprisingly, the unknown kinda feels good. While any sort of work goal or personal intention might seem hazy from where I sit on January 4th, I do know what I want more of in 2023. Instead, pursuing the things that fill my heart is a pretty good place to start. I want more intentional time with my family, growing friendships, creative and curious endeavors, and a deepening relationship with God. Surely that’s enough to keep me busy the next 365 days.

If you’re like me in that boat, I want to offer a giveaway for a copy of my book. HER DAILY BREAD is all about how relationship with others, God, and even ourselves intersect with the most simple of things. Plus, with year-long readings and 52 recipes, it’s enough to keep you on pace all year round. If you’d like to win a signed copy, write a comment at the bottom of this post telling me what you want more of in 2023. No resolutions required, just hope and anticipation. Good luck!

20 Recipes to Make in 2023… in No Particular Order

Second, here’s a few recipes to make in 2023! These are my most favorite of favorites- salty chocolate chip cookies, the fluffiest red velvet cake, and a creme brûlée custard that is absurd. If you’re looking to expand your baking horizons, these are the recipes to make in 2023.

20 Recipes to Bake in 2023 from Wood and Spoon blog. These are 20 of the best baked treats, sweets, and desserts with everything from chocolate chip cookies, layer cakes, pound cake loaves, ice cream, pies, and more. Learn how to make easy simple baking as a new year's resolution on thewoodandspoon.com.

1. Shortbread Cookies
2. Southern Coconut Cream Pie
3. Funfetti Cake
4. Eleven Madison Park Granola
5. Blueberry Maple Pie
6. Cookie Dough Truffles
7. Banana Crumb Cake
8. Kitchen Sink Cookies
9. Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies
10. Creamy Rice Pudding
11. Mini Buttermilk Biscuits
12. Best Mini Muffins
13. Creme Brûlée Frozen Custard
14. Banoffee Pie
15. Vegan Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies
16. No-Churn Strawberry Pretzel Pie Ice Cream
17. Red Velvet Cake
18. Cinnamon Sugar Cake
19. Overnight Cinnamon Rolls
20. Marble Loaf Pound Cake

Does this get you ready to bake!?!? I hope so. Be sure to enter the giveaway below, and let me know what you’re looking forward to in 2023. Happy Wednesday, y’all, and as always, happy baking!

32 thoughts on “20 Recipes to Make in 2023 (and a Giveaway!)”

  1. I would love to travel more with my husband. Anywhere really. Just make some memories and see some beautiful places.

  2. Karen Lynn Hackney

    I would like more compassion for our fellow persons and to find peace in 2023. Enjoy simple pleasure with the family and spend more time together.

  3. My word for this year is rooted. I think that is like being grounded. So what I want for 2023 is to grow my roots deeper in god and His word.

  4. I am looking forward to & hoping to be able to move closer to friends & family. That will allow me to not feel so alone & give me a chance to see my daughter more often. And of course, I will bake for all those wonderful people I will be close to. Thank you

  5. Would love more of your simple and quick recipes that one can make on weekdays also! Love all your recipes of course.

  6. What I hope for this year is more time with my Grandchildren. I fly up to see them every 90 days but would love to be able to see them more often. They live 8 hours by car from me so I opt to fly up to see them (somewhat costly but good for my heart). My granddaughter is 6 years old and my grandson is 1 year old and I want them to know who I am before I am gone. It may seem selfish, but it is what keeps me looking forward to being with them on each visit. And just like a beauty queen I wish for World Peace!!

  7. This year, I want to be healthier in order to be more active with my grandchildren. I want to reach out to friends and to those around me who have need of love and compassion, and I want to eat more homemade foods instead of eating take out.

  8. hey girl- I pray for patience and strength each day. I always hope to live closer to family someday. and I want to have more Faith in the coming year.

  9. I love this post and a reminder of more intentionality. That’s my word as well for this year. I long for more intentionality with the people and efforts that matter and spending less energy on things that don’t glorify God or bring goodness to those around me.

  10. I want more time to be with those people that I Love and care about. To be able to just be with them sharing hugs, smiles and everything good

  11. I really want to get my life in order. I moved and feel like I still need to make my house feel like a home. We have so many projects to wrangle. But I love to cook and bake and find it to be helpful and comforting in my daily life. Thanks for sharing your recipes, we love them.

  12. I’m hoping for more meals with friends. Since my divorce, I haven’t reached out to anyone, and it’s time. I’ve gotten my “cooking groove” back, and now I’m yearning to bring this tiny apartment of mine to life with more love and laughter and damn good meals.

  13. I’m hoping to cultivate more quality food time with my kids. (One just starting solids, one toddler battling picky eating)

  14. Hello, Reading this inspired me and your words about a deeper relationship with God, ourselves and friendships made me realize I’m looking forward to all of those things for myself and in my life too. Your choice of words is perfectly said. I thought about what I want more of in my life and how I want to feel. I want to experience my life in the happiest, more joyful ways than I’ve ever experienced before. To allow myself to have all my deepest dreams and desires come true, joyfully for myself. The deepest ones have not changed in all these years and it is time that I allowed myself to receive them. My dream has always been to own my own house and property that makes me feel wonderful living in it, easily and effortlessly. Meeting whomever the man is that I’m going to marry and establishing that relationship. Having the deep lasting and loving connections, friendships and relationships that make my heart sing. So this year I allow my deepest Desires, my biggest Hope’s and Dreams to come true for myself Joyfully. I can’t imagine anything more fun or deeply rewarding than allowing myself to receive.

  15. I want more time to intentionally nourish in 2023. I want to nourish my body with good food, nourish my relationships with my family with plenty of quality time, and nourish my relationship with God, so you’re devotional would be a great addition to that!❤

  16. I want the war on Ukraine to end. I ‘ve always prayed for “World Peace” and I’ve decided to narrow down my previously global wish.

  17. First up on the lis is marble pound cake. I bake for my grandchildren and I think they will love this. I would be happy to win the book, thank you for the chance to win.

  18. I’m looking forward to more peace and less tears in 2023. Last year was a rough one for me. Happy New Year, Kate!

  19. I forgot to mention, #4 on your list is a staple in my home! I have two granola recipes that I alternate and Eleven Madison Park is one of them! With Greek yogurt and blueberries, my husband and I eat almost daily for breakfast!

  20. For me, perhaps more spontaneity and less wasted time. I am retired and I have a fairly structured day – scripture and journaling, exercise, reading, cooking, family, friends, and my dog, Indi. But much of my day is wasted on a device – phone, iPad, computer. If I change my priorities, I will have more time for meaningful, joyful time.

  21. Happy New Year! I hope your New Year 2023 is wonderful and very happy! For 2023 I am just praying for a healthy, safe New Year filled with many wonderful moments with my family and friends.

  22. I love baking sweet things especially using yeast. More of those would be great. I would love to win your book. I need daily inspiration.

  23. I LOVE to bake and right now those shortbread cookies are the first thing on my list! We have yet to get ALL of the family together for our 2022 Christmas so I will be calling on several of these recipes, making them a festive part of that gathering in a couple weeks!

  24. This is so nice! I would love to have more recipes that take just one pan, with less dishes to wash. For example, I love the idea of making pasta in the sauce, rather than fixing it separately. My new year’s resolution is to try to improve my running by testing myself at the end of each month with a neighborhood 5k! Happy new year.

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