Sweet Tea Old Fashioned

Sweet Tea Old Fashioned by Wood and Spoon. This is the classic Kentucky bourbon cocktail made with orange bitters, whiskey, and just a smidge of ready to drink sweet tea. Make this in a batch for friends as a party beverage or drink as a great end of day cocktail. This is a southern spin on the original drink! Read more on thewoodandspoon.com

We’re so close. The fall season and all that comes with it- the changing leaves, the scent of cinnamon, and the onset of denim and cozy sweaters- is so close it’s almost tangible. Although my thermometer is protesting, I’m ready to dive head first into autumnal everything, and today we’re going to start with this sweet tea old fashioned.

It’s no secret that I love bourbon. Very few things expose my Kentucky roots like my adoration for the sweet and subtle burn of that perfect amber liquid. Today we’re going to transform my favorite bourbon cocktail, a classic old fashioned, by adding Red Diamond Sweet Tea. The combination of those two quintessential Southern things makes for a winning, drinkable combo that is just perfect this time of year.

Sweet Tea Old Fashioned by Wood and Spoon. This is the classic Kentucky bourbon cocktail made with orange bitters, whiskey, and just a smidge of ready to drink sweet tea. Make this in a batch for friends as a party beverage or drink as a great end of day cocktail. This is a southern spin on the original drink! Read more on thewoodandspoon.com

Sweet Tea Old Fashioned

This sweet tea old fashioned requires very few ingredients, but because of this, we want to opt for the highest quality possible. We first start with a peel of orange and a few dashes of bitters. Muddle the two together in an old fashioned glass until the oils in fruit are released. Next we add 2 ounces of high-quality Kentucky bourbon and a hefty pour of chilled Red Diamond Sweet Tea. Finish it off with an extra-large ice cube and enjoy. Seriously, it’s that simple.

Sweet Tea Old Fashioned by Wood and Spoon. This is the classic Kentucky bourbon cocktail made with orange bitters, whiskey, and just a smidge of ready to drink sweet tea. Make this in a batch for friends as a party beverage or drink as a great end of day cocktail. This is a southern spin on the original drink! Read more on thewoodandspoon.com

Sweet tea is a staple here in the South, and it’s no secret that my go-to fave is from a locally founded company, Red Diamond. Made simply with tea leaves, water, and sugar, Red Diamond Sweet Tea is free of preservatives and concentrates and has that perfect classic flavor that every glass of good Southern sweet tea should. The combination of bourbon and sweet tea makes for an old fashioned that is slightly sweeter and more drinkable than the classic cocktail. Because there are so few ingredients and very uncomplicated preparation involved, this is a great cocktail to batch for a group of friends.

Sweet Tea Old Fashioned by Wood and Spoon. This is the classic Kentucky bourbon cocktail made with orange bitters, whiskey, and just a smidge of ready to drink sweet tea. Make this in a batch for friends as a party beverage or drink as a great end of day cocktail. This is a southern spin on the original drink! Read more on thewoodandspoon.com

I hope you’ll give this sweet tea old fashioned a try sometime this fall! Be sure to pick up a gallon of Red Diamond Sweet Tea and give a toast on my behalf. Have a great weekend and happy fall y’all!

If you like this sweet tea old fashioned you should try:

Bourbon Ginger Sweet Tea

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Sweet Tea Old Fashioned

This sweet tea old fashioned is a Southern spin on the classic bourbon cocktail!

  • Author: Kate
  • Prep Time: 2
  • Total Time: 2 minutes
  • Yield: 1
  • Category: Cocktail


  • Orange peel
  • 2 dashes orange bitters
  • 2 ounces bourbon
  • 6 ounces chilled sweet tea


  1. Muddle the strip of orange peel and bitters together in an old fashioned glass until the orange peel has released some oils. You’ll notice a strong orange scent in the glass. Add the bourbon and sweet tea. Add a large ice cube and enjoy!

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